Moody Gardens in Galveston, Texas announced that Sponge Bob Square Pants will take enter stage during its 2015 ICE LAND: Ice Sculptures show this November.
Moody Gardens is an educational entertainment complex with an aquarium, rain forest, theaters, museum, and zipline.
The ice festival is scheduled to open on November 9. The idea for the ice festival was inspired by Harbin Ice Festival in Harbin, China. The Harbin Ice Festival is renowned for its spectacular lighted ice sculptures.

Moody Garden announced the theme for the 2015 ICE LAND: Ice Sculptures with SpongeBob SquarePants will be a SpongeBob Christmas Party when it opens November 14 (PRNewsFoto/Moody Gardens)
In fact, the VYA Ice Carving Team from Harbin, China will do the carving for the festival. Nickelodeon is also a partner for the Ice Festival project, which will feature 2,000 pounds of snow and ice.

The new ICE LAND Ice Sculptures with SpongeBob SquarePants is one of many holiday attractions at Moody Gardens.

ICE LAND Ice Sculptures with SpongeBob SquarePants at Moody Gardens, Galveston, Texas (PRNewsFoto/Moody Gardens)
superb collection.