The Bachelor, Ben Higgins and the women vying for his love visited the Bahamas in Season 20, Week 6. Grand Isle Resort was the centerpiece accommodation for this week’s episode. A few of the women had talked to Ben about Olivia’s behavior, but she ended up keeping her rose. Jennifer went home during the rose ceremony. The dates were announced and Cailia went on a one-on-one date with Ben. They went deep sea fishing. It turns out that Ben loves fishing.

Leah felt slighted, because she hadn’t been on any one-on-one dates with Ben. She revealed her feeling to him during the group date to swim with the pigs. The group date was awkward for everyone, because by this time, most of the women had feelings for Ben and were jealous when he was not focusing his attention on them.

Later, Leah decides to go to Ben’s room one night and tell him that Lauren B. has problems with the other women, and her attitude is not up to par. Her discussion with Ben backfired and the Bachelor sent Leah home that same night.

Olivia and Emily had a two-on-one date with Ben. Olivia was extremely confident and cocky. She just knew that she was going to get the rose during this group date. Ben played her, by asking her to come with him for a short walk (rose in hand) on the beach. The two of them left Emily sitting on the beach alone. Olivia told Ben that she loved him, but Ben didn’t give her the rose, and sent Olivia home. Emily was thrilled when Ben handed her the rose.





With views of sapphire-blue coastline, you've arrived in Exuma.

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Photo of Olivia Courtesy of ABC, Photo by Craig Sjodin