The cast from the Sisters In Law reality TV show had their first on-air girls getaway in the episode entitled A Beach House Divided (Season 1, Episode 7) which aired on May 5, 2015. In the show about lawyers in Houston, Monique and Rhonda went shopping in a store called Myth ad Symbol. Jolanda came by, too.  Monique told Rhonda that she wanted Tiye and Juanita to come to their girls getaway to Galveston, Texas. Jolanda indicated that she wasn’t too thrilled about going on the trip, anyway because Vivian was going to be there.

Rhonda’s answer? Absolutely not, because Juanita stabbed her in back multiple times.

Meanwhile, a PSI, which is a Pre-sentence investigation was ordered for Juanita’s client, Oscar. Oscar is a B student. He was in the ROTC, and was waiting to graduate when he hit a man crossing the street and did not stop. He was charged for failing to stop and rendering aid and faced prison time. In court, they learned that they should return in about another month to hear the judge’s decision.

Rhonda met with her clients at her law firm, the Wills Law Firm. Her client, Reyna was gang raped. The assailants got into her apartment, tied up her husband and her daughter, held them at gun point, and gang raped her. Rhonda contended that the apartment complex did not provide adequate security.

Reyna’s daughter and husband were next door; held at gunpoint and they heard the whole thing. The assailants haven’t been caught, and Reyna is fearful for her life.

The apartment complex had offered $1 million as compensation to Reyna and her family. There are different levels of insurance, Rhonda said. The apartment complex company offered $1 million, and through a tendered insurance policy, but there was another $10 million policy out there, and nothing was offered on that. Rhonda hoped that they would put up all or some of the $10 million in the second policy. “At the end of the day, if they didn’t put that $10 million on the table, they are going to wish they had,” she said.

At Central Station Main Juanita met with her friend, Cynthia. Cynthia had a friend with a beach house, and she was going to make some phone calls for Juanita to get a beach house in the same area where Rhonda was staying. Juanita planned to invite Tiye.

“Rhonda is going to see a side of me, that she has never seen before,” Juanita said.

At Rhonda’s Beach House in Gavelston, Texas, after the ladies toasted, Monique got a text that Juanita was on the way. The beach house that she is staying at was around the corner. Rhonda ordered a party bus for them.

It came out that Vivian actually represented Jolanda when she was accused of ethical violations. Rhonda said that when Jolanda was on the City Council, the mayor went after her. She was facing an investigation for possible criminal charges. Jolanda called Vivian to help here. The mayor had accused Jolanda of using her position inappropriately.

Vivian couldn’t handle, Jolanda’s shady attitude towards her in the beach house. Whenever she got the chance, Jolanda would say that Vivian was a part of her circle of friends. Vivian came over to where Juanita was staying and let loose. Tiye’s flight was delayed and Juanita was alone in the beach house that Cynthia arranged for her.

Juanita just listened as Vivian vented. “Acknowledge what I’ve done b&$%!” she screamed  in reference to Jolanda.

Rhonda, Monique and Jolanda decided to go to the beach that next day. Juanita called Monique to find where they were, so she could join them. Once they were all there and got settled on the beach, Rhonda asked Juanita to bury the hatchet and said that she forgave her for anything she did wrong. They hugged it out, and everything seemed to be squashed,  but Jolanda felt that Rhonda’s apology was not real.

She started an argument between with Rhonda and Juanita. All Jolanda had to do was ask Juanita if she had been saying that she (Jolanda) was ghetto. Juanita said, no she didn’t but Rhonda said she did, which caused Rhonda to distrust Juanita again.

“Juanita have you been saying negative stuff about me?”

“Absolutely not,” Juanita replied.

“That’s interesting, because Rhonda said, you said I was ghetto,” Jolanda said from her lounge chair.

“No,” Juanita replied.

“Juanita you did say that,” Rhonda said.

Then the argument ended with Rhonda screaming and crying that she had trusted Juanita and she was lied to. She said she couldn’t take it, because she had been lied to all of her life.

Monique then intervened and said that she didn’t like Jolanda’s messiness (for starting the argument between Juanita and Rhonda).

The finale for the show is next week.