Good news if you are tired of waiting for your air miles to accumulate. Have you been turned down for airline miles credit cards? Don’t worry. You can now buy them at a discount. The has miles at about 2 cents a mile. There is a 25,000 air mile minimum.

You’ll need at least 25,000 air miles to travel round-trip across the states. Since it costs $500 for 25,000 miles at 2 cents a mile, and you can get better deals by purchasing the tickets outright.

According to The, you can get better deals using air miles when traveling abroad, especially of you are traveling in business class or first class. Maybe you already have a good amount built up, and you need a few thousand more for your travel plans.

Right now the Mileage Club has an offer in which you can get up to 5,000 air miles when you sign up.

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