Are you going to the Bronner Brothers Hair Show or another trade show?  You need this makeup tutorial. Technically, the Bronner Brothers International Beauty is a trade show, because it allows people in the beauty industry to show off their products and services. The trade show also includes an educational component, entertainment, and a hair battle. Unlike other trade shows in which you get brownie points for looking professional, having gorgeous hair and makeup will get you nods of approval at this show.


Thousands of consumers attend the hair show to see the latest glamorous  beauty products and the newest styles. So, the Bronner Brothers International Beauty Show is not an average trade show with people wearing suits selling technology or cars. This is a sexy trade show with both consumers and the beauty professionals glammed-up to the hilt.

Are you traveling to this trade show or a similar trade show or fashion show soon? Prepare your wardrobe. Find the right shoes, and get your make-up on fleek! As an example, here is my look for the Bronner Brothers show. It’s also suitable for festivals or concerts. Glam your look up a little more for evening events.  To add a little more glamour, I’d add a little more black shadow to the eyes. I’d add a little more gold, and use longer lashes for a more dramatic evening look.

Bronner Brothers Hair Show Make-Up Tutorial for Beginners

with Maybelline The Nudes Eye Shadow

By the way, I like this look because it uses only one eye shadow palette, Maybelline, the Nudes. The following make-up tutorial is great for beginners, because you won’t have to try to find a lot of different expensive eye shadows from different brands. You can use your own foundation routine, or use the one that I have demonstrated. The best thing about the Maybelline, The Nudes eye shadow palette is that it’s reasonably priced. You can also find this shadow in many drug stores. It seems to be a regular product, not a special that’s only around for the holidays.