After the huge argument at Marie’s cocktail party, on the Real Housewives of Dallas, reality TV show, Tiffany Hendra followed LeeAnne Locken out of the venue and got in her face, on the Real Housewives of Dallas episode that aired at 10 a.m. Eastern Time on May 11, 2016 on on BRAVO.

She told her that she always has her back. She forced LeeAnne to respect her. LeeAnne got so angry that she started beating on the cameras, telling the camera men to stop filming, then she took off her shoes and crossed the street (after smacking a trolley with her bare hand). Cary Deuber and her husband Mark talked about building their business, so they could buy a house in Switzerland and spend the summers in Switzerland.

Stephanie Hollman and her husband, Travis, were getting ready to celebrate their anniversary. Stephanie said that she is genuinely scared that LeeAnne was going to trash-talk her husband and her. Brandi Redmond bribed her young daughter to keep her from playing in the garage, but the real news was that Brandi’s grandfather was coming to visit her in Texas. She’d never met her grandfather before. Brandi’s husband Bryan was traveling and he would miss her grandfather’s arrival.

Travis came through in a big way on their anniversary. He took her to deBoulle’s jewelry store. She called it an amazing jewelry store and said that many important people buy beautiful diamonds from there. Stephanie chose a gorgeous super-expensive bracelet that he bought for her.

At the Legacy Counseling Center, LeeAnne was at a clothing drive, raising clothes and money for women with HIV. She said that she knew that if Tffany showed up, she was going to be respectful. Tiffany did show up, and LeeAnne and didn’t even speak. Tiffany called LeeAnne later to attempt to smooth things over.

John, Brandi’s grandfather and his wife came to visit. They had dinner, and Brandi thought it was amazing that she was letting someone into her life who was such an important part of her family.
Since LeeAnne threw a glass of champagne and ruined LeeAnne designer’s dress Cary’s husband, Mark bought his wife a new Roberto Cavalli dress. “Any excuse for my wife to go shopping? Yeah. This is it,” Cary said about Mark’s shopping.

“He spends an exorbitant amount on clothes. He spends probably, hundreds of thousands of dollars on clothes for me a year. It’s awesome!” Cary said.
Brandi and Stephanie met and Stephanie told her friend about her anniversary gift. Brandi noted that although their husbands have a lot in common when it comes to sports, she wished that her husband was as romantic as Stephanie’s husband. Bryan decided to get Brandi 30 of her favorite things. He got her ketchup and Italian dressing and French fries among other trinkets.

LeeAnne and Tiffany met at Taverna restaurant to talk things out. Tiffany apologized and LeeAnne said that she deserved being yelled out. They had been friends since they were teenagers, and it looks like their friendship will continue.

Brandi had a huge barbecue with her family, including her grandparents. Unfortunately Brandi found out from Stephanie that Bryan was at a bar with Travis, so that’s why he wasn’t on time for the family gathering. When he arrived was drunk, and acted as though he didn’t want to be there. Stephanie felt bad for her friend because she knew that Bryan had really hurt Brandi.