Are you looking to plan a trip to Barcelona and Italy? Take cues from the Real Housewives of Atlanta and the cast from To Rome for Love.  The casts from these two reality TV shows vacationed in these very spots.  Read on to find out where to stay (where they stayed), and what to do while you’re there.

Where to Stay in Italy

The ladies from To Rome for Love stayed in a luxury villa, called the Palazzo Berardi in Via Del Gesu. It is actually part of a 16th Century mansion which may be rented out in parts. The apartment had lovely impressive rooms for all five of the ladies, and it had a large kitchen for the two chefs living there. The Via Del Gesu mansion is in the center of Rome’s historic district and located in the within walking distance of cool cafes and restaurants, as well.

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Where to Stay in Barcelona

Don’t plan a trip to Barcelona and Italy without considering the fancy accommodations that the Real Housewives of Atlanta stayed in. In the 2018 season, the women first stayed at the Villa Victoria. Although impressive, the show portrayed that the accommodations weren’t to their liking.

The ladies moved into the Hotel Arts Barcelona.    Although it seemed to be a bit more glamorous than the Villa Victoria, from the looks of these two places, either one will provide luxurious places to rest your head.

Plan a Trip to Barcelona and Italy: Fun Activities

The first night the women from To Rome For Love went to the Salotto 42. There, the mixed and mingled with some of the men who they were matched up for the show. Salotto 42 could be just the place to get cozy with your significant other, chill by yourself, or you might even meet up with someone interesting.

That night the ladies went to Casa Copelle for dinner. Consider this spot for an elegant dinner. The food looks delicious, doesn’t it?

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On To Rome for Love, the cast did some mingling with Italian gentlemen at the Grand Hotel De La Minerve. The Grand Hotel De La Minerve is a 5-star hotel which provides a view of the Pantheon.

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The To Rome for Love cast donned cute hats and went to a derby. They attended the Derby Italiano in Ippodromo Capannelle.

TO ROME FOR LOVE,  Plan a Trip to Barcelona and Italy — Pictured: (l-r) Shay Atkins, Mercedes Young, Diann Valentine — (Photo by: Ernesto Ruscio/Bravo)

Shay and her date had cozy dinners at La Ciambella Restaurant. From the looks of the restaurant and the food, it’s a keeper for romantic dinners in Italy during stay. Why not?

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