The premiere episode of the Real Housewives of Dallas showed off Dallas, its charity scene, and the movers and shakers. The show aired at 11 p.m. ET on Monday, April 11, 2016 on Bravo.

THE REAL HOUSEWIVES OF DALLAS — Season:1 — Pictured: Brandi Redmond — (Photo by: Michael Larsen/Bravo)
Viewers were introduced to cast member Brandi Redmond. She’s a former Dallas Cowboys cheerleader. Brandi has been in Dallas for about 15 years. She is married to Bryan whom she met in the eighth grade. Brandi moved to Dallas when she was 21 to cheer for the Cowboys. She cheered for 5 years before retiring. She is a full-time mom with two daughters. Bryan is gone 90% if the time, traveling for business, and Brandi says that he will probably die on a golf course after he fulfills his goals.

THE REAL HOUSEWIVES OF DALLAS — Season:1 — Pictured: Tiffany Hendra — (Photo by: Michael Larsen/Bravo)
Although cast member Tiffany Hendra is from Dallas, she moved away and returned with her husband, Aaron. They have been married for 11 years. She was a model when they met and he had a music contract. At the time, she was in the party scene, and when she hit rock bottom, he picked her up.

THE REAL HOUSEWIVES OF DALLAS — Season:1 — Pictured: Cary Deuber — (Photo by: Michael Larsen/Bravo)
Cary Deuber says that she is not a trophy wife, but she is a lifetime achievement award. Cary is a registered nurse, who works with her husband, Mark, a plastic surgeon.

THE REAL HOUSEWIVES OF DALLAS — Season:1 — Pictured: Stephanie Hollman — (Photo by: Michael Larsen/Bravo)
Stephanie Hollman is the girl next door, if you live in a mansion. Stephanie is from a small town in Oklahoma. She lives at the Four Seasons on the golf course. Her husband, Travis was raised in a wealthy family. Stephanie says that she is goofy and can fart on command. Travis wants a younger version of his mom. He wants a perfect mother, a homemaker.

THE REAL HOUSEWIVES OF DALLAS — Season:1 — Pictured: LeeAnn Locken — (Photo by: Michael Larsen/Bravo)
LeeAnne Locken is a former a carnival kid. Who is not a millionaire, but is well-known in the charity circuit. In fact, she’s known as the mouth of the south. Rich is her boyfriend and police officer. They have been together for 6 years.
In the first scene of season 1, episode 1, LeeAnne and her best friend Tiffany met up at Vintage Martini to do some shopping. Store owner Ken Weber helped them find clothes for another party.Vintage Martini has couture fashions from the past and the present. The boutique offers designer handbags and jewelry.
“Aren’t you worn-out from all these parties?” Weber asked. “Child please,” LeeAnne responded.
Everyone in Dallas know’s LeeAnne. She’s like the Mayor, Tiffany remarked. LeeAnne explained the charity season to the viewers. “For this spring charity season, there are going to be hundreds of events over the next three months,” she explained while in Vintage Martini. “You cannot be caught dead in the same dress twice.”
LeeAnne volunteers for the events. She gives her time to the charities, by making the necessary arrangements required for their functions. It’s almost a full-time job.
“They call me the mouth of the south, and I’m OK with that, because I use that voice to connect charities to people with money,” she said. Some charities that she has worked with have made millions of dollars.
In the next scene at the Lemmon Avenue Surgery Center, Cary assists with her husband in surgery. She is a certified registered nurse first assistant. Her husband is Mark Deuber, one of the most sought after plastic surgeons in Dallas. “If you are a woman in Dallas, you need a great handbag, shoes, and boobs,” Cary says. Cary wanted to work with Mark. She kept showing up and asking if he needed help until he eventually hired her. She had been married twice before, and she knew Mark’s family before they caught married. Cary even invited members of Mark’s family to her second wedding. Gossipers thought that Cary and Mark had an affair, but Cary says they didn’t.
Stephanie and Brandi
Stephanie and Brandi are best friends. So, Brandi comes over to Stephanie’s home regularly. Stephanie’s husband gives her chores to do around the house. She says that’s a way for her to earn her money in the marriage. Stephanie and Brandi are silly together, and laugh a lot as they program a garage door opener at Stephanie’s house. They sip alcohol, which they call Jesus juice. Brandi says that Stephanie is someone that she can let loose with. After a little bit of Jesus juice, they get the giggles in public and usually start to annoy people.
Stephanie is from a small town in Oklahoma. She lives at the Four Seasons on the golf course. Her husband, Travis was raised in a wealthy family. Stephanie says that she is goofy and can fart on command. Travis wants a younger version of his mom. He wants a perfect mother, a home maker.
Raising Money for Reconstructive Surgery
Mark and Cary, work with Doris Daniely Outreach an organization that provides breast reconstructive surgery. They often participate in events to raise money for the organization, and during this episode they were having a jewelry sale in their home as a fundraiser. Jewelry designer Shona Gilbert agreed to give 10 percent of the sales to Doris Daniely Outreach.
“Mark is totally my wife. I’m his husband. He loves to shop and cook. I couldn’t get a better wife if I asked for one,” Cary said as they prepared food for the event.
Stephanie and Brandy were talking about poop and childbirth at the event. It annoyed LeeAnne, who said that you should either take events like that seriously or go home
LeeAnne calls Brandie and Stephanie really pretty girls who married well. Brandi says the charity world gives them a chance to go out and do something and have fun. There’s tension between LeeAnne and Brandi. Brandi says that she always has to introduce herself to LeeAnne, because the older woman acts though she doesn’t know her at functions. Brandi also said that LeeAnne uses charities to put the spotlight on herself and that’s not appropriate.
No Tie Dinner
Next the show focused on a party at another socialite’s home. Marie and LeeAnne are friends. Marie and her husband, Angel have a huge luxurious house where they often have gatherings to benefit charities. Sometimes LeeAnne convinces Marie to use her home for events that LeeAnne would like to have. This night, Marie hosted a dinner that she called a No Tie dinner.
Brandi has a talent for mimicking people and LeeAnne was on her radar. LeeAnne heard about the mimicking and asked Brandi to do it at the dinner. Brandi refused, saying that she didn’t want to be the mean girl at the party and embarrass LeeAnne.
LeeAnne insisted and called Brandi out when she wouldn’t do the impersonation in front of her. Brandi, annoyed that most people would not stand up to LeeAnne, decided that she wanted to tell her what she really thought of her.
Brandi said that she didn’t like it when LeeAnne shared a story about herself during an HIV event. LeeAnne said that she helps people when she shares, but Brandi said that LeeAnne was insecure and there was time and place to tell her story. The charity event wasn’t the right time. LeeAnne was highly insulted and told Brandi that she lashes out when she feels as though she is backed in a corner, and at the moment, LeeAnne was feeling uncomfortable and annoyed. After that word of caution, Brandi ended up leaving the party, saying that she was never going to do THAT again.
Group image of the Real Housewives of Dallas, by Paul Drinkwater/NBCUniversal