There were 12 ladies left of the Match Made in Heaven episode that aired at 10 p.m. Eastern Time on June 2, 2016 on WE tv. The women vying for Stevie Baggs‘ heart went to the field and played football. Stevie, the eligible bachelor is an ex professional player. himself played football for 10 years and played on 11 teams. The women had to come up with hashtags for their jerseys. Two women were to get individual dates with Stevie.
Stevie had a romantic daytime picnic with Rose with the hashtag #work. Stevie said that he thought that Rose was so attractive to him. They had a romantic picnic.
Rose from Match Made in Heaven
He also had a date with Medgie. Stevie and Medgie did some indoor skydiving together. Stevie felt that Medie was like her homie, but Medie told him that she had a problem with guys always just wanting to hang out with her. Medgie was a favorite with Lola, Stevie’s mother.
Medgie from Match Made in Heaven
Back at the house, Elle made a snack for Lola and was determined to tell Stevie’s mother all about Medgie. “Medgie is not sugar and spice,” she said. “Medgie is acid and vice.”
Elle told her that Medgie is a bully and that Medgie bragged about having sex with two men at the same time. “You cannot under those circumstances be in a relationship with my son,” Lola said about the information that she received. But Lola said that she will wait and get to the bottom of the situation.
Stevie took Medgie to a romantic hill with a view of the city. Medgie, as soon as she entered the house learned that someone in the house had ratted her out about having multiple sexual partners at the same time. Medgie vowed to find out who had been talking about her.
Medgie talked to Lola about what Elle said in front of all of the girls, and she vowed that she was going to come after Elle. Medgie was livid at Elle. She tried to confront her, but Elle avoided her like her life depended on it, and maybe it did.
Mackenzie had a special date with Stevie. He even bought her a dress to wear. Mackenzie used to be 320 pounds, and she felt as though she was finally getting what she deserved. They went to a rooftop to have a 360 degree view of Los Angeles. Their date was interrupted when the women got apples back at the house, and they had the choice to allow the date to continue or not.
If one of the apples was bitten, the date would immediately be ruined. Roxy, bit the apple, although her housemates tried to stop her. Everyone liked Mackenzie and wanted her to have a good date, but Roxy just wanted to get Mackenzie away from Stevie. So, Instead of being on a romantic date in the penthouse, they went to the basement.
Next, it was time to determine who would stay and who would leave the house. Every week messages are sent to the women’s cell phones. They could get a message that asks them t please stay, to leave the house or to have a talk with Stevie.
Victorya from Match Made in Heaven
Victorya was asked to go home. Stevie felt that she might not have been ready to get married, and he was ready.
Kia was asked to talk to Stevie, and she went off, saying that she had a lot to say to Stevie, and also said if she had been Mackenzie, she would have knocked Roxie out for biting the apple. Kia had been quiet, so it was strange that she had an angry outburst so suddenly.
Stevie said that he liked Kia, but he didn’t feel that she fought for him. Kia then told everyone that Roxie had a crush on her, and asked the woman if she was there for Stevie or for another woman. Stevie admitted that he was disappointed at how Roxie had sabotaged his date, but in a weird and sexy way, he liked it. Roxie’s date was sabotaged the week before. Roxie didn’t like that Stevie was disappointed in her, and said that she didn’t want to upset him be biting any other apples.
Lola heard that Kimmy had been kind to Rose, and Rose had made some remarks that Kimmy was privileged. Rose did say that everything that Kimmy had came from her family and the women didn’t have to work for her wealth. When Stevie heard that his mother had reservations about Rose because of what she had said, the situation left a bad taste in his mouth, too.
But Kia learned the real lesson She learned that she had to fight for what she wanted when she wanted it. Stevie told Rose that he didn’t like insecurities, but he asked her to stay in the house.
Travel Location Spotlight for Match Made in Heaven
Exposition Park at Rose Garden in Los Angeles
The cast shot their rose garden scenes at the Exposition Park at Rose Garden in Los Angeles. The park is operated by the City of Los Angeles and the rose garden is often used as a setting for weddings. Match Made in Heaven shot publicity photos, like this one in the rose garden and it is also where the ladies met Stevie for the first time. The garden is open from 9 a.m. to sunset every day, except from January 1st to March 15th every year.

Match Made in Heaven Cast at the Exposition Park Rose Garden

The Exposition Park Rose Garden at the National History Museum in Los Angeles, photo by Tracy Hall