Cynthia Bailey showed off her cargo bags on the Real Housewives of Atlanta, Another Spin Around the Block, Season 9, Episode 4 that aired on Sunday, November 28, 2016 and she announced her daughter, Noelle as the face of Cargo by Cynthia Bailey. Cynthia and Noelle traveled to California together for the launch. Cynthia’s ex-husband Leon joined them for the launch. Over dinner at STK, Cynthia cried over her divorce, and Leon told her that he thought that she’d gotten married too fast.


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Although they haven’t been best buddies recently, Kenya and Phaedra met up to discuss a charity event that Phaedra had in the works. Since Kenya was once Miss Michigan and she is from Detroit, Phaedra wanted her onboard to help out at an event to benefit the children of Michigan impacted by the water crisis there. They hashed out at plan at Tipple and Rose tea parlor. There was certainly some shade thrown, but they each handled the shadiness gracefully.



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To help break some of the tension, Phaedra Parks invited the women to a game of laser tag at Laser Tag Next Dimension, a favorite spot for her sons’ birthday parties.The women actually got along, that is until Kenya and Sheree resumed their argument from last week. Sheree felt that Kenya’s house was not completed and she should have more work done on it. That angered Kenya, because she felt that Sheree had no right to tell her what she needed to do to her house.


Sheree also dealt with some personal issues related to her ex. Bob wanted to get back together and rekindle their relationship, but Sheree wasn’t interested in the least. The two talked things over at Loving Hut Vegan Cuisine. Chateau Sheree was almost completed and Bob wanted to move in, but Sheree wasn’t having that.

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Slider image– Pictured: Cynthia Bailey — (Photo by: Mark Hill/Bravo)

Travel Destination Focus: STK

Cynthia, Noelle and Leon dined at an STK in California during the press launch for Cynthia’s cargo bags. So, STK is our Real Housewives of Atlanta travel destination focus.