A photo and statement on Tameka Harris’ Instagram sparked some conversations about cosmetic surgery — namely eye color change surgery. In her Instagram post, Tameka thanked her cosmetic surgeon, Montasser Menif, a doctor in Tunisia who specializes in refractive surgery. Her Instagram post, which has since been deleted also mentions Brightocular.
Brightocular is a U.S. patented product, but the surgery is not FDA approved in America. A few doctors in a scattering of places around the world perform the surgery in which colored silicone lenses are inserted under the iris. Brightocular implants can change your eye color, but beware. There are other implants that are similar to Brightocular, but Tameka, also known as Tiny Harris changed her eye color from brown to grey with a doctor who used these specific implants.
Tunisia, Africa: Change Your Eye Color
.@TIP Responds To Rumors That Tiny Has Permanently Changed Her Eye Color http://t.co/IojeddxeKv pic.twitter.com/BYr1LtbrEV
— Necole Bitchie (@necolebitchie) October 24, 2014
This cosmetic surgery technique is marketed as a way to help people who have problems with photosensitivity. The silicone implants are used for people with albinism and to cover abnormal appearances in the eye. They are also used for people who merely want to change their eye color to a more desirable color. On the Brightocular website, the product’s developers have written that the process takes about 15 minutes per eye. Tameka traveled to Africa for her procedure. Her eyes are now a light grey color. While in Africa, Tameka Harris and her daughter enjoyed some of Africa’s culture. She posted a photo of the two riding camels.
Medical tourism, is travel to another country to receive medical treatment. Masses of people travel to receive cosmetic surgery and get procedures at a cheaper price than in the U.S. For example:
South Korea Double Eyelid Surgery

Beautiful eyes. Photo by Kaybee 07 Creative Commons License
Many people in South Korea get double eyelid surgery. This procedure, also called Asian Eyelid Surgery, adds the appearance of a crease to the eyes, to give patients’ eyes a slightly larger appearance. The eyes maintain the same basic shape, but the patient’s eyes look as though they are wide-open. Although some doctors might make it sound as though this surgery is a simple procedure, but it’s not. Be sure to research carefully before heading abroad for any procedure. By the way there was a company, SeoulTouch Up , that claims to specialize in all-inclusive packages for nips and tucks and South Korea.
Brazil: Liposuction and Breast Augmentations
Brazil is a hotspot cosmetic surgery and medical tourism. The most popular procedures in Brazil are plastic surgery to enhance the breast and liposuction to remove excess fat. Brazil is only second to the USA in the number of breast augmentations that performed in 2013. There were 515,776 breast augmentations performed in Brazil in 2013 compare to 517,012 performed in the USA, according to a study by the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons .
There was a company online, Go Sculptura that was offering a Medical Tourism package to Brazil that includes 7 nights in a hotel and silicone implants for less than $5,000. The package doesn’t include airfare. According to a study by the Deloitte Center for Health Solutions called Medical Tourism, Consumers in Search of Value, plastic surgery in Brazil is about 40% to 50% less than in the U.S.
Bangkok: Thailand Breast Augmentation
Thailand has such a surge of visitors seeking medical tourism that the Thailand Tourism Board has a website for international tourists seeking medical contacts in Thailand. Under its list of highly reputed treatments, the Tourism Board lists 26 treatments, ranging from Botox to hair transplants. Many of the treatments were non-evasive. You might find some of the beach towns with facilities for detoxes and larger hospitals in Bangkok for surgical procedures.
Colombia: Liposuction
Liposuction is one of the main medical tourism draws to Colombia, according to ABC News. Travelers head to Colombia when they want fat removed and body sculpting. About 500,000 cosmetic treatments are performed annually in Colombia, the second highest number of plastic surgeries in Latin American reports Mother Jones. Travel packages typically offer accommodations, an English-speaking assistant and the cost of the procedures, which are usually significantly lower than the cost for plastic surgery in the U.S.
hi here you can change the color you want at a competitive prices performed by Dr. Menif Montassar a world famous surgeon who performed the procedure of Tiny’s eyes 🙂
I Love Tiny new eye color. Looks amazing. I saw this when it started, just like a tattoo is permanent why not changing your eye color be as well. I am so next. Keep living life.
Medical tourism is so interesting! I would totally change my eyes to blue. I wonder if someday that will be as common as botox, or how the cost compares to years of colored contact lenses.
I think her eyes look beautiful.
Medical tourism is very interesting indeed. And congratulations, enjoyed oftheir article.